A Guide to Purchasing the Best Rotary Evaporator
A rotary evaporator, commonly referred to as rotavap, is a device used in most chemical labs to remove solvents from various samples through evaporation. The device is made up of a motor unit, vacuum system, hot fluid bath, vapor duct, motorized operating feature, collection flask, and a condenser fitted with a coil for passing coolant. This device works by building up a vacuum in the rotating glass flask.
The flask which is placed on a hot water bath and rotated progressively forms a thin layer inside. This results in an increase in surface area that can make molecules of gas vaporize with temperatures remaining constant. All the solvents will be eliminated in the process. You should look for a good rotary evaporator that will offer quality service.
A rotary evaporator is very simple to use. It is a tool you are likely to come across more often if you pursue a chemistry-related course or even land a career that deals with the same. Cannabis extraction technicians also interact with this device more often. Look for the best rotary evaporator to have an easy time with its use. Here is what to consider when buying one.
Safety Features
The rotary evaporator is a device used in heating different acids or chemicals, so you should ensure that it has various safety features that ensure the operator is safe when using it. Features like a protective hood or shield can help guarantee the safety of an operator. Some rotary evaporators are designed to shut off automatically. All these features are essential for operator safety.
Maintenance Ease
It is another factor you should look into when buying a rotary evaporator. Look out for different features that will give you a comfortable time maintaining your rotary evaporator. Maintaining this device is not that complicated because you have to conduct regular inspections on features like glass joints, seal, and tubings. Carrying out the required maintenance is essential for extended service.
Functionality Features
Different functionality features can also guide you in purchasing this device. Some of the things you can look out for include the rotation speed, temperature, pressure, vacuum, and condenser. How you intend to use your rotary evaporator will guide you in purchasing the right type. A perfect example is those who mostly use acid samples. You should look for an acid resistant evaporator.
A Guide to Purchasing the Best Rotary Evaporator Read More