Why Twitter Is the Preferred Social Media Network by Most Marketers
The ultimate goal of every marketer must be to see his products being brought home by customers, who bought the products, will use them, get satisfaction, and give positive reviews on them. And he knows that before a product is purchased by customers, he should work hard to build awareness on its product by increasing product visibility on all possible media.
With all the various social media networks out there, Twitter can be the best network that can help achieve a marketer’s goals for his product. Just like when using other platforms, building a successful marketing strategy in Twitter takes much planning, but it can give you the fastest results. Twitter ranks second to Facebook among all networks when it comes to the number of active users but has a staggering 66% of large businesses using Twitter marketing strategies. Indeed, this should be proof that Twitter is an effective medium to launch your marketing campaigns.
Here are the reasons why Twitter can be the most formidable among social media networks in making your marketing strategies successful.
Twitter’s non-exclusivity can be the most telling factor why this social media network is preferred by marketers. Marketers will always want to be heard by most people and influence them into buying their products. If not, they would like to inculcate into people’s minds about the presence of a product that, when their need comes, they will buy it or recommend it to others who also have the same need. In Twitter statistics, it says that 76% are likely to recommend a product with excellent customer service.
More Engaging
With the massive number of Twitter users and the non-exclusivity of the network, it is truly easier to engage with more users. Accordingly, 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a brand name in their tweets, and 77% expressed positive feelings about a brand when their tweets have been replied to. This must be good news for all businessmen out there.
Easier to Build Trust
With 60% of consumers expecting that their queries to be responded to, an active Twitter account of marketers is indeed helpful in coming up with a successful Twitter marketing program.
Why Twitter Is the Preferred Social Media Network by Most Marketers Read More